Saturday, 28 March 2020

Personal Creativity-Change has come!

Thompson Adeboye;
The concept behind change is to make it happen!

The very concept of change is to make it happen! At this very period we need to understand the concept behind change. The very essence of change is to make it happen, to first express itself in the material, the idea of mighty expression is the combination of mental emancipation of the influence of great influenza, the concept of change is to make it happen, the conditional examples are made up of the endowment that are being inspired of mind over matters. Thank you

I have been given the mysteries of the expanded knowledge, the concept of change is this; the mind over matter, is the combination of ghostful mind, the basics of change is simplistical to the final mental biomentalic in-fracture; the  period of change is expression of divinity and creativity. 

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

DIARY OF A MODEL-Deji Bakare's Film

Its no longer news that the Nigerian Movie industry has in recent times taken an appreciative advancement. Movies such as the Wedding Party, A Trip to Jamaica, Ten Days in Sun City etc raked in substantial Returns in the first week of its premier and not only that, they swerved into international domain.

Within the same class of the aforesaid, is the yet to be released super quality and Star Studded Movie titled  “DIARY OF A MODEL". The film includes Big Brother Housemates like Thin Tall Tony, Kemen, alongside other stars such as Tissan Bako of Ray Power FM, IK  ex-Mr Nigeria Deji Bakare, Joy (Eastern Queen of Miss Tourism) as well as top Models such Esther Berry, Hannah Stephen Most Beautiful face in Nigeria and many othersĺThe movie centers on the Life and Times of a Model played by Top Video Vixen, Esther Berry and it showcases the struggles, love and heartbreak experienced as she embarks on a Journey to find true bliss. The movie is aimed at highlighting the real lifestyle of celebrities as they embark on their everyday hustle and bustles to make ends meet.

The Movie has as special guest appearances  Dr. Joe Oki Odunmakin, the front line Nigerian Human Rights Activist and C.E.O, Women Arise as well as other notable Nigerians in the entertainment World.

The  Movie was directed by Deji Bakare, ex-Mr Nigeria 2011 and C.E.O of Dieji Bakare Talent Search. He said "This Project has been in the pipeline for sometime now. Hugh material and financial resources have been expended in the making of the Movie to meet with the high quality needs of both domestic and International Viewers. I do not want to make movies that will be discarded on first Watch but rather Movies that would be continuously desired."

His immediate future plan is to market the product also to francophone outlets. In this regard, effort has reached an advance stage for French subtitles.

"DIARY OF A MODEL"  at every cinema in your neighbourhood.         WATCH OUT

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Akon's Real Name

The Popular R & B and Hip Hop Star, Senegalese born, Akon, looking fly here back in 2008. But hey have y ou checked his name. Its so hilarious!

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

UK Troops in Rescue Mission as Nigeria MIlitary Locate Abducted School Girls

Even at the rising of global outrage over from the dormitories of the Government Girls Secondary School in Chibok, Borno State, the United Kingdom are sending specialist teams and soldiers to Nigeria.

Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, claims that the country's military had found the location of more than 200 missing Chibok schoolgirls
Earlier at least 7 countries agreed to send experts and troops to Nigeria to assist in the search for the students, among them are USA, , France, , Canada, Iran and .
Following claims by Nigeria's Chief of Defence Staff, Air Marshal Alex Badeh, that , the British soldiers were send to join the local forces in Nigeria to help rescue the girls. 
According to British media, the UK government said they are determined to give President Goodluck Jonathan all the help his country needs at this time. Although Badeh claims that they know the girl's whereabouts no military attack is planned as they don't want to provoke the girls' killing.
He said: "The good news for the girls is that we know where they are but we cannot tell you, we cannot come and tell you military secrets here. Just leave us alone, we are working, we would get the girls back."
British forces are looking at sending more troops to Western Nigeria to assist and train Nigerian forces. Nevertheless the number of troops was not specified.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Michael Adebolajo appeals life imprisonment sentence

He took someone's life but doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison. Michael Adebolajo, one of the two British men who butchered English soldier, Lee Rugby last year, today launched an appeal against his sentence. Adebolajo was sentenced to life in prison in February 2014 without the possibility of parole, while his accomplice, Michael Adebowale was given life with a minimum term of 45 years.

While handing out the sentence, the judge said Michael was condemned to life imprisonment without any minimum years because he led the attack on the soldier and "had no prospects of rehabilitation".
Adebolajo and Adebowale killed the father of one in broad daylight near Woolwich Barracks in south east London on May 22nd 2013.